Sunday, September 2, 2007

Ron Paul Freedom Flyer

HobbyZone SuperCub RTF with Banner and Night Flying

"We no longer have national soverignty. We have referred too much to the United Nations, the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO, the NAFTA and CAFTA agreements and they should NOT be a part of our system." - Ron Paul, Ames Iowa Straw Poll

Inspired by the Ron Paul message..

Needing a paint job for a new HobbyZone SuperCup

Bring them together and the message of 'freedom' flies.

This is a video of the R/C HobbyZone SuperCub RTF - Ron Paul Freedom Flyer. This plane was custom painted with Ron Paul propeganda after a spectacular crash of the previous aircraft. In an effort to spread the Ron Paul message whenever possible, I have dedicated this plane to the Ron Paul Revolution.

The planes is colored Red, White and Blue and the under side of the wings have American flags on each side. The top of the wings has the Ron Paul web address stenciled from side to side and there are even a small bald eagle heads in the front windows. The tail wings are stinceled with RP and there are American flags along the side.

The video includes footage of night flights and banner flying, as well as footage of loops and crashes Most of the video is shot in Cramner Park in Denver Colorado where a fair number of people can usually be found milling about. This is a very exciting way to strike up conversation and tell others of the positions of Ron Paul.

This HobbyZone SuperCub uses stock motors and an upgraded 8 cell battery for additional power. The plane was lit using "Celebration Lights" which were picked up in the bridal section of Walmart. The banner was made using the plastic bags that replacement SuperCub wings are purchased. Acrylic paint was used to paint the body and the an acrylic spray was used as a sealant.


Cramner Park, Denver Colorado

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Reasons I support Ron Paul for President:

  • Dr. Ron Paul is strict constitutionalist and a true defender of freedom for the people.

  • He believes in limited government, states rights, free trade, sharply lower taxes, national sovereignty, and a non-interventionist foreign policy.

  • Dr Paul advocates for withdrawal from NATO and the United Nations.

  • He voted against the USA PATRIOT Act and the Iraq War Resolution.

  • He calls for the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, federal income tax, REAL ID Act and federal War on Drugs. video:

Google Video:

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